Do you remember the programme ‘Roots’?
I do, and I was probably only ten or twelve.
Did you like me feel utterly outraged at the treatment, and the plight, of the African Black people?
Whoopee fucking do! What the fuck did we, as a fucking nation learn all those years ago, fuck all, that’s what. We still bury our fucking heads in the sand and if any thing we got worse.
‘Oh Moira some of my best friends at work are ‘coloured’, they are such a lovely people you know.’
How fucking condescending is that, and I fucking hear words to that affect often. Even the word ‘coloured’ gets right up my nose, its only the new version of ‘nigger’. As long as we see people other than fellow human beings we will never be in a position where we can truly say, ‘Racist, what does that mean’, and sadly folks, there is a long way to go before that will ever happen.
Have you noticed certain companies advertising on the telly, have you noticed the wee bits at the end. UK call centres only…a bit colonial if you ask me.
I still do it myself, wrong I know but…no, I was going to try to excuse my ignorance, but I’m offering no fucking excuse because…there is no excuse.
I’ll sit in the living room watching football with the ‘Family’.
I have been known to shout at some poor man who makes a simple mistake or a fucking howler for that matter, AND I still have been known to shout, ‘away ya black bastard, or ya useless black bastard’. I always fucking despise myself for doing it, and…I was going to say especially in front of the kids, but that would be wrong, make it sound okay if the kids are not there. Well it’s never okay and I know its not okay so why the fuck do I still do it. I don’t think I’m a racist person, but I do realise the offence caused by saying ‘Black Bastard’.
Firstly…it’s a form of cowardice, the many ganging up on the few.
Secondly…its pure and utter ignorance, and like any form of bullying its fucking wrong.
Thirdly…what the fuck makes white people think they are so fucking superior?
I can’t offer any words of wisdom, I can’t say the problem will disappear over night, but I will try and do my wee bit, and all it will take is for every other ignorant bastard to do the same.
So the next time I watch football on the telly, ‘Away ya useless cunt!’ or (sorry if this offends the ladies), ‘fuckin’ hell, whaaaat aaaa fannnnnny!’ is much better use of my language.
After all, a man still has a right to curse when his team/bet is on the losing side.
We do, it is Part B, Paragraph four of ‘Rules and a Mans Rights’, look it up, its there in black and white.
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