Friday, 27 April 2007


“Another glass of ‘Heavy’, Jimmy my old chum?”

“Davie, you know fine well, Margaret will have ones tea ready and will be very, very cross if one fails to make it home at the time agreed before one departed this morning.”

“One for the road, one, surely”

“Davie, you are a humoured chap and I swear you will be the death of me.”

“Splendid, and, a little whiskey to finish the day?”

“Why not? You bounder.”

“Good lady, can you refresh the glasses please, and two whiskies if it is not too much trouble.”

“Would that be Malkie McKay over there?”


“Ha, had you going, I had you fooled old chap.”

“James, you know I have a week heart, you bugger you.”

“Don’t fret old chap, if the cad starts any of his nonsense, one will kick his charlies, and one will not be held responsible for ones actions.”

“Good, splendid news, I can always rely on you James.”

“Well, Davie, one thing one has learned is that one would be as well as getting hung for a sheep as a lamb. Another round of refreshments, don’t you think?”

“My arm old boy, was twisted a long time ago.”

“Young lady, another round for my good friend and me. Oh and have one your good self.”

"Will we take a pew old chap, ones gout has been playing up lately?"

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